Welcome To Williams Health
Holistic Healing
Hi, I’m Andrea, a medical herbalist with a passion to help people onto the path of wellness. I take a holistic approach to healing, and look forward to journeying with you towards better health.
About Williams Health
Qualified Medical Herbalist
I am a medical herbalist with 21 years experience in the industry. I have a passion to help people onto the path of wellness and I love to give them the tools and confidence to do so.
I have a holistic approach and see that areas such as diet, lifestyle, mental, physical and spiritual health are all connected to our health and that it is good to get a balance in all of these areas to experience wellness.
Using evidence-based and a traditional herbal medicine combined with a synergism of herbal and nutritional supplementation, can give you the tools you need to manage and get on top of your health issues.

Andrea Williams MNZAMH
dip clinical herbal medicine
Online and face to face consultations
When you have an online consultation it is confidential, I take a case history of the presenting issue at hand. Holistically looking at all areas of health to see what areas I can see to best help you in achieving your health goals. Once consultation is completed, I will send out the treatment plan to you upon payment. I will also send a script through for you so that the products are already to collect. As I like to support you with your health, I sometimes suggest other talented professionals to also help you on your health journey if needed.
Prior to your first consultation, an online patient intake form will be emailed to you for completion.
Your investment is $120.00 for 60-90 minute consultation which may be followed up by 15-30minute consultations to give you that support until you have the tools you need to reach your health goal. This is different for everyone as healing takes different forms for us as individuals and can take time to heal and reach your health goal. This is where it is important not to give up but keep going to do the best for yourself. As you are a good investment you do deserve the best by taking good care of yourself.
60-90 minute consult
45 minute consult
30 minute consult
15 minute consult